


Milliyet Pekinels and the proud night of young talents. FİLİZ ALİ04/05/09 The Music Department students of TEV İnanç Türkeş Private High School gave an unforgettable concert with the Pekinel duo at Boğaziçi University last week… A girl, who appears to…


Andante Güher & Süher Pekinel about the Project to improve the Musical Education in Anatolia by Sanat Deliorman, published in Andante Magazine, June 2015“Türkiye’deki Müzik Eğitimi ve Orff Yaklaşımı” (Music Education in Turkey and Orff Approach) Can you tell us how…

Thoughts on Music

Thoughts on Music The path of life is the wisdom of the individual, creativity and the search for endless harmony within the cycle of the senses while exploring oneself. In this adventure, every artist is realizing his own evolution by…

Andante Interview in English

Andante Interview in English​ The prestigious “Bundesverdienstkreuz” award you received from the Federal Republic of Germany has honoured us as your fellow citizens as well as you. First of all, I would like to congratulate you on this great success.…

Ayşe Arman Interview

Ayşe Arman Interview Dünyanın en iyi piyano ikilisi Güher-Süher Pekinel, geçtiğimiz günlerde Almanya’nın en yüksek Liyakat Nişanı’yla onurlandırıldı Tek kelimeyle müthişler!Dünyanın en iyi piyano virtüözlerinden biri Pekinel Kardeşler. Hatta, belki de en iyisi. Çok az insana nasip olabilecek bir şey…

Sunday Interview

Sunday Hürriyet Interview İpek İzci – Hürriyet Pazar Klasik müzik ikonu Güher ve Süher Pekinel kardeşler geçen hafta alanında büyük başarılara imza atmış sıradışı kişilere verilen Almanya’nın Liyakat Nişanı’na değer görüldüler. Pekineller “Genç nesli yaratıcı, müzik sevgisi ve zevki sarsılmayan…

the Order of Merit

The Order of Merit We are proud and excited to be honored with the highest degree of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Order of Merit. We are very happy that the German Order of Merit, which is considered at…

The Whole Cumhuriyet Pazar Interview

The Whole Cumhuriyet Pazar Interview Young Musicians on World Stages The Young Musicians on World Stages (YMWS) project, created and mentored by Guher & Suher Pekinel and sponsored by Tüpraş has been selected by “Kulturkreis der deutschen Wirtschaft im BDI…