

Young Musicians on World Stages

Young Musicians on World Stages The Young Musicians on World Stages (YMWS) project, created and mentored by Guher & Suher Pekinel and sponsored by Tüpraş has been selected by “Kulturkreis der deutschen Wirtschaft im BDI e. V.” as one of…

Zubin Mehta Güher & Süher Pekinel in Concert

The Whole Cumhuriyet Pazar Interview Opening Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentiono / Recital Ludwigsburg International Music Festival. Nominated for the “German Record Critics’ Annual Award” Click here for more. Other News The Whole Cumhuriyet Pazar Interview 11 January 2022 –…

Bartók And Painting

Bartók And Painting Hearing colours. Seeing sounds by Güher & Süher Pekinel At the beginning of the 20th century, the tonal basis of classical music – “the tyranny of the major and minor modes”, as Stravinsky described it – changed dramatically.…

Thoughts on Take Bach

Thoughts on Take Bach by Güher Pekinel When listening to this album, the audience could ask themselves why a piano duo would be interested in Bach and Jazz. We’ve have been through a long process of development to reach this…

The Rite of Spring

The Rite of Spring Thoughts on Stravinsky’s ”The Rite of Spring” by Süher Pekinel Since I listened to it the very first time, the rhythmically dynamic content of “Le Sacre du Printemps”, has not only shocked my soul and intellect,…


Milliyet The young composer’s success Aslı Onat, 16.09.2007 Genç bestecinin büyük başarısı Türk Eğitim Vakfı İnanç Türkeş Özel Lisesi (TEVİTÖL) Müzik Bölümü’nün kurucuları ve yöneticileri Güher – Süher Pekinel’in 18 yaşındaki öğrencisi Egemen Kesikli, eseriyle ABD’de yayımlanan bir CD’de yer…