Trio Vecando

Trio Vecando consists of three prize-winning artists; violinist Veriko Tchumburidze, cellist Dorukhan Doruk and pianist Can Çakmur.

Since winning the 2016 International Henryk Wieniawski Violin Competition at the age of 20, Veriko Tchumburidze has built a reputation as a captivating soloist, chamber musician and recording artist. “She is a breath of future,” said Andrzej Wituski, the competition’s director, “She brings us closer to the world of her own imagination”. Since 2016 Veriko Tchumburidze has played a Giambattista Guadagnini violin, made in Milan in 1756 and generously loaned by Deutsche Stiftung Musikleben.

Prize winner of various international competitions, including the “X. Witold Lutoslawski International Cello Competition”, Dorukhan Doruk has already appeared in major concert halls such as Vienna Konzerthaus, Tonhalle Zurich, Victoria Hall Geneva, Warsaw Philharmonic Hall.

Pianist Can Çakmur is the first prize winner of the 10th Hamamatsu International Piano Competition in 2018, where he also won the Chamber Music Prize, and the Scottish International Piano Competition in 2017. His recordings for the label BIS have been received enthusiastically by the international press and have been awarded two consecutive ICMA Awards (a first in the awards’ history) for the Solo Recording of the Year and Young Artist of the Year as well as Choc de Classica, Diapason d’Or, Album of the Month by International Piano and full marks by Crescendo, Gramophone, Pizzicato and many more.

Members of Trio Vecando;

Veriko Tchumburidze, violin

Dorukhan Doruk, cello

Can Çakmur, piano